News and tips from the industry leaders in email compliance.

A Deep Dive into Opt-Out Activity – OnlyInfluencers

By Tom Wozniak, Chief Operating Officer – published on OnlyInfluencers on 4/26/24 Back in 2021, I wrote an article for Only Influencers sharing data from OPTIZMO’s annual Email Opt-Out Infographic. That infographic covered data from 2018-2020, so it culminated with a...

2024 Email Marketing Best Practices Guide by OPTIZMO & LashBack

We’re excited to release a new Email Marketing Best Practices guide for 2024. Collaborating with our good friends and partners at LashBack, we’ve put together a comprehensive list that every email marketer will want to follow going into the new year. Check...

2021 Email Opt-Out Infographic

2021 Email Opt-Out Infographic How did a second year of the world working remotely and generally staying home impact email Opt-Out behavior?   Since 2018, we have been releasing annual infographics depicting Email Opt-Out activity and behavior from the OPTIZMO...

2020 Email Opt-Out Infographic

2020 Email Opt-Out Infographic A Look at How a Tumultuous Year Impacted Email Opt-Out activity   Since 2018, we have been releasing annual Email Opt-Out Infographics, covering various facets of email Opt-Out Behavior across the industry. While every new year...