2021 Email Opt-Out Infographic
How did a second year of the world working remotely and generally staying home impact email Opt-Out behavior?
Since 2018, we have been releasing annual infographics depicting Email Opt-Out activity and behavior from the OPTIZMO system. The infographics include visualizations of various facets of email Opt-Out activity over hundreds of millions of Opt-Out requests received each year. While every new year brings changes to the email marketing and overall digital marketing industries, the last two years have delivered largely unprecedented changes.
Many industries experienced significant or massive disruption to business-as-usual since the pandemic began, which tended to put even more emphasis on digital marketing in general and individual channels like email, in particular.
Various industry reports show that email marketing activity grew significantly in 2020 and 2021, with companies devoting more marketing budget to the channel than ever before, often shifting it from offline marketing. As one would expect, with more marketing emails being sent, more Opt-Outs are generated and that increase in activity was reflected across the OPTIZMO platform. 2020 delivered the highest annual Opt-Out activity on the OPTIZMO platform on record – until 2021 broke that record.
As our team began looking at the data for our 2021 Email Opt-Out Infographic, we were particularly interested in looking at whether the changes we saw in 2020 would remain static, continue moving in the same direction, or begin shifting back to ‘normal’ pre-pandemic levels, as the world began opening up in 2021.
As some people began moving back to working from the office, would that shift the ratio of mobile vs. desktop Opt-Out activity? Would the flattening of the daily and hourly activity continue?
Download your free copy of the infographic to see just how much these factors impacted email Opt-Out behavior in 2021. Simply fill out the form below to get your copy.
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2021 Email Opt-Out Infographic
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