Email Opt-Out Requests Infographic #1
While there are any number of reports and infographics available that focus on email marketing, few if any have ever provided a holistic view of Opt-Out activity. OPTIZMO’s new infographic delivers a geographic breakdown of Opt-Outs processed by the company across major global regions, as well as the top 10 countries. It also includes a look at the email platforms that show up most frequently in opt-out requests.
The goal of this infographic is to provide some previously unavailable data focused on where opt-out requests are coming from – geographically and from an email platform standpoint. In addition, it includes some interesting facts pulled from each data set, such as the one continent that has yet to deliver an Opt-Out request to OPTIZMO and a list of once well-known email platforms from earlier in the internet era that continue to have users many years after their days dominating the industry.
This is just the first of a series of infographics on opt-out data that OPTIZMO will be publishing in 2018. The subsequent infographics will focus on data around device usage, most common browsers and operating systems, and trends in the the days and times opt-outs are received. Stay tuned!
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Infographic: Email Opt-Outs by Region
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