2021 has arrived and that means we are hard at work on our annual Opt-Out Infographic! If you attended our session at MailCon Virtual on January 28, 2021, you already saw a preview of some of the data we will be releasing in the Infographic. But, we thought we would share some of the data with folks who may not have had a chance to attend MailCon, as well. So, let’s take a look at some highlights.
One of our focuses with the new Infographic is to highlight data from 2020 with an eye toward finding trends and variations from previous years.
What impact would the shift to more people working from home have on opt-out activity? Would it change at all? Some data remained fairly consistent with past years, but we definitely saw changes in email recipient behavior over the course of the year.
Overall Opt-Out Volume
Various industry reports have shown that email marketing activity rose throughout 2020 and our data shows the same, as we processed more Opt-Out requests than ever before. This should come as no surprise to anyone with an email inbox, as we’ve all had more and more info to sift through on a daily basis.
Daily Activity
It’s been a common best practice among email marketers not to send campaigns on Fridays, the conventional wisdom being that people are checking out for the weekend and so, may not even see it until Monday. However, email performance averages across industries surprised a lot of experts, when Friday turned out to be the highest performing weekday across average Open Rates and Click Rates. From an Opt-Out standpoint, Friday remains our lowest weekday when it comes to unsubscribe activity. So, this may be an instance where long-held conventional wisdom may have shifted during 2020.
Device Trends
For years, we’ve all watched the growth of mobile, as people spent more and more time on their smartphones, accessing the internet, checking email, etc. It has been fairly consistent, going back for numerous years, that mobile devices have been making up a larger and larger share of overall internet activity. However, in 2020, we saw a reverse of this trend, where for the first time we noticed a drop in mobile activity and an increase in desktop. Email marketers have noted a similar trend when it comes to conversions and overall responses, with more of them coming on desktop devices than in previous years.
Stay tuned for the full release of our 2020 Opt-Out Infographic later in February!