News and tips from the industry leaders in email compliance.

Email marketing is a top solution for businesses trying to increase profits and enhance brand reputation. For these services to be successful, though, companies have to invest in the right approach. CAN-SPAM compliance, list management and other tools become essential for companies as they refine their target audience and seek to increase conversion rates. However, in an effort to bring click-through rates up and appeal to more consumers, businesses must know what trends to play off of.

Many companies find that commenting on or mentioning some of the latest news trends can help entice people to read and click-through marketing emails, such as discussing the Super Bowl or mentioning New Years resolutions to attract reader’s attentions and increase success. However, with these changing rapidly, businesses have to stay on top of the current trends that most appeal to their target audiences in order to capitalize on this approach.

Another option for many companies is to focus on more general topics, such as pop culture references that appeal to their target demographics. Businesses that sell “geeky” toys often make Lord of the Rings or Doctor Who references to entice readers to open their emails.

However, when implementing open rate strategies, it is still important for businesses to remember the administrative tools that are necessary to keep email list marketing initiatives in compliance with federal and state regulations and reduce spam. Using the Super Bowl to increase open rates from football fans is fine, but make sure email compliance is maintained at the same time. Businesses need to invest in tools that automate these processes, and rest easy knowing their marketing solutions are operating as intended.

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