Email Opt-Out Requests Infographic #2
While there are plenty of reports and infographics on email marketing available in the industry, few have depicted recipient Opt-Out activity. OPTIZMO’s new infographic series delivers a breakdown of Opt-Outs processed by the company over a 14-month period.
The first infographic in the series focused on the geographic breakdown of Opt-Out requests. This second edition of the infographic looks at activity across devices, browsers, and operating systems.
In addition, it includes some interesting facts pulled from each data set, such as the fact that gaming systems now account for a small percentage of email Opt-Out requests.
This is the second in our 2018 infographic series. The third and final release in the series will focus on trends in the the days and times opt-outs are received. Stay tuned!
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Infographic: Opt-Outs by Device, Browser & Operating Systems
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