Video Library
Check out our video library for a wide range of content, including: testimonials, event recaps, features, thought-leadership insights, and plenty of footage of the OPTIZMO team.
LinkUnite Interview Series — Tracy Laney
Tracy Laney, VP of Sales at Contact Center Compliance, discusses current challenges in the compliance industry and what the supportive environment and strong membership lineup LinkUnite provides has meant to her.
LinkUnite Interview Series — Sory Rivera
In this episode, Sory Rivera, VP of Sales Operations at PALO, shares the value of autonomy and adaptability from her military background and highlights the collaborative, supportive environment fostered by LinkUnite.
LinkUnite Interview Series — Jian Areco
In this episode, Jian Areco, Senior Director of Distribution at Madrivo, discusses the impact LinkUnite has had on her and expresses what she feels she owes to the supportive community of women for where she is today.
LinkUnite Interview Series — Michele Bilton-Smith
In this episode of our Interview Series, Michele Bilton-Smith, Sr. Director of Sales at Somos, discusses her career journey, the importance of hiring for the right fit, and the role of curiosity in her professional development.
A Word With…B2 Direct
In the first episode of A Word With…, Jake Dearstyne talks with Leroy Bricker and Josh Bender of B2 Direct about navigating the world of affiliate marketing and the performance space.
Sip & Send – OPTIZMO, Atwave, Anura, and Cake
Catch the video highlights from Sip and Send 2024, where industry leaders gathered to network, solve email marketing challenges, and forge new business connections.
Maximizing Email Deliverability & Compliance — Webinar ft. ZeroBounce & OPTIZMO Technologies
Join experts Brian Minick and Tom Wozniak in a webinar on email deliverability and compliance. Learn how to build compliant email lists, maximize deliverability, and manage opt-outs effectively, with key insights on CAN-SPAM and the GDPR.
LinkUnite Interview Series — Mindy Raslevich
Next up in our Interview Series is Mindy Raslevich, the Strategic Director at Diablo Media. Watch this episode to learn more about her journey, the evolution of the performance marketing industry, and the vital role LinkUnite’s played in her career.
LinkUnite Advice Series – Episode 4
Five members of LinkUnite share who has been the biggest inspiration in their lives and careers, from daughters and partners to mothers and CEOs, making this episode a truly touching tribute to those who shape who we are.
LinkUnite Interview Series – Beth Kahn
In this episode of our Interview Series, we interview Beth Kahn, Co-founder and CFO of Anura, for a discussion about her career path and the early days of Anura.