Research & Thought Leadership
Insights from our experts across topics within the email compliance, opt-out, and suppression list management arena.
Infographic – Advertiser’s Email Affiliate Guide
An Advertiser's Email Affiliate Guide - Infographic Email has been a highly effective marketing tool for companies from virtually every industry for over 40 years. Many companies leverage email mainly as a means of communicating with current and past customers....
An Advertiser’s Guide to Utilizing an Email Affiliate Program
A Roadmap for Advertisers Interested in Adding Email to their Affiliate Marketing Programs Email has been a highly effective marketing tool for companies from virtually every industry for over 40 years. Many companies leverage email mainly as a means of communicating...
OPTIZMO’s Guide to Email Marketing Metrics
The Positive and Negative Marketing Signals generated by every email campaign If you are using email marketing to promote your product or service, then becoming familiar with all the various performance metrics generated by each email campaign is a vital step in both...
OPTIZMO’s Guide to Email Suppression List Management
The guide provides email marketers with a background on the importance of email suppression management and different strategies that can be used to optimize overall email campaign performance.
Infographic: Opt-Outs by Day & Time
Discover what 200 million opt-out requests say about when to send your email campaigns…and when not to.
Infographic: Opt-Outs by Device, Browser & Operating Systems
What devices, browsers, and operating systems are people using when they opt-out of your marketing emails?
Infographic: Opt-Outs by Geographic Region
A geographic breakdown of opt-outs across major global regions, as well as the top 10 countries.