If you would like to make a State Rights Request, please complete the form below. By submitting this form, you attest that you are either the person to whom the information relates, or you are authorized to make this request on their behalf and can provide evidence upon request. OPTIZMO is a Business-to-Business Software provider, we collect, store and share information only as directed by our clients through the use of our software. We do not respond to any requests or questions by consumers directly. If you have any questions or wish to directly correspond to a company utilizing our software, please direct such inquiry to the company directly through their website or contact information.

United States

OPTIZMO Technologies, LLC
14425 Falcon Head Blvd.
Bldg E100
Austin, TX 78738


Northbank Plaza
69 Ann St
Suite 22/F
Brisbane City, QLD 4000

World-class support with offices around the world.

We take support seriously. With offices in multiple timezones, you won’t be waiting to have your request filled.