Published on FeedFront on 7/25/2018
When analyzing email campaign performance, most marketers focus on their KPIs (CTR, Opens, Sales, ROI) and use those metrics to dial in performance. This concentration on the positive is the traditional approach to evaluating campaign results. It seems logical that if your goal is to get recipients to engage with your emails, you should measure that engagement in each campaign and look for ways to improve it over time.
However, focusing solely on positive KPIs ignores numerous other metrics and signals that your campaigns are delivering. These negative marketing signals can be just as valuable in helping you understand areas that may be driving down performance.
What are Negative Marketing Signals?
Much like positive marketing metrics, there is any number of negative indicators generated by every email campaign. Just a few of the more commonly measured negative marketing metrics include opt-outs (and opt-out rate), email bounces, spam reports, and recipient complaints.
Many marketers track these metrics (they are often tracked automatically by numerous email platforms), but only give them a cursory look when considering ways to optimize campaign performance.
Three Tips for Using Negative Marketing Signals
1 – Your opt-out (or unsubscribe) rate is more than just a count of people don’t want to receive your messages anymore. At a high level, you can monitor opt-out rates from campaign to campaign and look for factors that drive higher rates. You can also dig into the details by actually looking at the email addresses that have unsubscribed. Can you identify any common factors among these recipients? Perhaps a disproportionate amount of them come from a particular email list or segment. If so, you can then optimize based on this information…
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