News and tips from the industry leaders in email compliance.

Every business invests in marketing initiatives, but not every one succeeds. Many companies are constantly looking for ways to improve marketing solutions and increase conversion rates. For many, the answer lies in email marketing services.

Email marketing comes as an afterthought for many businesses, according to Practical eCommerce, but it can actually be far more effective than any other form of online advertising if utilized correctly.

Higher click-through rate
Many businesses find they have significantly higher conversion rates with email marketing than other online marketing solutions, at 3.1 percent click-through, according to the news source. And with email lists easier to build and monetize than social media or other advertising methods, it means higher profits overall.

Faster, more efficient delivery
Email also allows a business to deliver content on a more timely basis, increasing its connection with consumers and enhancing brand recognition. This helps to raise sales and, more importantly, reputation. By providing more interesting content to customers in a larger format than that allowed by Facebook or Twitter, businesses can reach a much wider audience.

Cheaper brand loyalty
More than websites, social media or video, email is a cheap way to increase brand loyalty. According to the news source, a business can appeal to customers by offering special benefits only available through its email, which costs almost nothing and ensures that consumers think of them first when shopping, rather than a competitor.

No need to go back to it
With social media, constant observation is needed to monitor progress. But with email, a business can send it out and observe the page hits, reducing back and forth and providing a less stressful, time consuming way to reach target audiences.

Ultimately, email marketing is cost efficient, effective and profitable for any business that puts the time and effort into creating and maintaining a subscription list. With the right tools, CAN-SPAM compliance is easy, and all a business has to do is focus on the marketing, not the logistics of the solution.

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