The Value of an Email Opt-Out – Business2Community
Published on 7/8/19 on Business2Community
In email marketing, many marketers look at an opt-out or unsubscribe as the worst-case outcome from an email being sent. There’s some obvious logic involved in that belief. If an email recipient unsubscribes, you can no longer market to them, meaning you lose the opportunity to ever sell them a product or service, engage them in reading your content, or simply maintain that relationship over time through email messaging. That all seems pretty negative. Probably because of that, many email marketers think little about these opt-outs, other than making sure the unsubscribe request is received, processed, and that the email address is removed from future mailings. Who wants to focus on the negative?
Well, as it turns out there is actually a lot of value in those opt-out requests for email marketers, if they take the time to evaluate them and learn about the possible reasons behind the decision of email recipients to ask to be removed from future mailings. Opt-outs should be analyzed in the same way you pore over your positive performance metrics, like open rate, click rate, click-to-conversion rate, and conversions.
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