When launched our first video series in 2020, we had plans to record tons of footage at events throughout the year. Well, the world had other ideas and there weren’t any more events to attend. While we made the most out of the huge amount of footage we recorded in Vegas, we have been waiting for real-world events to make a comeback in 2021 so we could kick off our next video series. Thanks to Lead Generation World in Orlando in March, we are thrilled to announce the launch of our 2021 Video Series!
For our second series, we decided to focus more on asking some interesting questions about the industry, how the upheaval of 2020 impacted people’s businesses and life in general, and gathering outlooks for 2021 and beyond. While this series may be a bit more focused on thought leadership topics, don’t think for a second that our style will change from our previous video series. It’s a safe bet that any video series we create will never feel too ‘corporate’ or overly serious. So, we hope you’ll find the series thought-provoking, but also entertaining and hopefully at least a little funny.
We will be releasing more videos throughout the upcoming weeks and months and with some great events on the horizon (Affiliate Grand Slam, Traffic & Conversion, MailCon, and Affiliate Summit) you can expect to see a LOT of great video content from us in 2021!
Check out our first video in the series focusing on how people’s workdays were impacted in 2020!