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Retailers have become better at winning consumer trust.

Almost 95% are following best practices for handling email unsubscribes and authentication, according to the 2017 Email Marketing & Unsubscribe Audit, a study by the Online Trust Alliance (OTA), an Internet Society initiative.

Of the firms studied from March to August, 67% received a “best in class” designation this year. While that was down from 69% in 2016, it means they scored 80% or more in analysis of their email trustworthiness.

Indeed, nine sites had perfect scores, meaning that they followed all 12 of OTA’s best practices for email. They refrained from sending unsubscribe confirmation emails and from violating CAN-SPAM and Canada’s Anti-Spam Law, among other things.

“Overall this year’s results were strong, with increased adoption of nearly all of OTA’s recommended best practices,” says Jeff Wilbur, director of the OTA.

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