Published on the FeedFront on 10/9/2018
For many email marketers, once a recipient opts-out, it’s like what Michael Corleone said to his brother, Fredo, in the Godfather II: “You’re nothing to me now.”
While it’s true that you can’t mail to them anymore, you have the opportunity to gain some valuable insights as they drop off your list. But, you have to look further than your unsubscribe rate.
The Who, When, Why, and How of Email Opt-Outs
There’s a lot of potential information in your opt-outs from each campaign. Here are three data points that should be readily available and one you can look at adding to your opt-out process.
Who is Opting Out?
Whether you use an opt-out management solution or it’s provided by your email service provider, you should be able to easily see a list of all recipient emails addresses that have opted out from a particular email campaign. Examine those addresses and look for trends. If you have a larger database of your email audience, you may be able to look at additional information about the opt-outs and see if a higher than normal percentage of them are coming from a particular audience segment…
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