Creative Distribution Manager
Managing email creatives can be a very time consuming part of the campaign management process – especially when partnering with multiple mailers. The OPTIZMO™ Creative Distribution Manager automates the distribution of campaign creatives, making a time-consuming, manual process much more efficient.
Delivering Creative Efficiently
If you are working with a large number of mailers, you have a number of different approved email creatives, or you change approved creative multiple times over the course of a campaign, you know how challenging this process can be for your team to manage manually. You may need to contact each mailer individually with the details and you likely have limited ability to track whether approved creative is being used every time an email is sent.
Creative Distribution Manager takes over this manual process, delivering time savings, fewer chances for errors, and transparency into how mailers are accessing your approved creatives. Clients can easily distribute approved campaign creatives to mailers along with Mailer Access Keys, Suppression Lists, and Opt-Out Links.
Key Features
-Easily provide your mailers with access to one or many campaign creatives for a campaign in HTML, Plain text, and image formats.
-Include additional details like approved From Addresses and Subject Lines or HTML Variables to support tracking
-Use placeholders to customise Opt-Out URLs and Opt-out Link text (Mailer ID)
-Creative information is easily available to mailers on the same page they use to access the campaign’s suppression files and Opt-Out lists.
Creative Distribution Manager also provides insights and analytics to help you track creative usage and the number of opt-outs generated by individual creatives.
Creative Distribution Manager is available to all OPTIZMO clients. If you have any questions about how to use this feature in your next campaign, please reach out to us at
You can also learn more about Creative Distribution Manager here.